
Faux leather jacket, a Christmas present
1950's dress, borrowed from Victoria!
1960's bag, I've had forever
Shoes, Jessica Simpson thrifted

Hello lovelies! I want to thank you all so very much for the kind words the last few days about my friend Joe. I was able to attend his memorial service yesterday, so some healing happened there. Things are still tough, but I'm feeling much better. It's crazy how fast life can change. It was just a week ago today I talked to Joe on the phone to wish him a happy birthday. I'm so happy I was able to hear him laugh that one last time.

These pictures were take last Sunday afternoon. It was a gorgeous day with highs in the 70s with a delightful breeze! The 50s dress I'm wearing is borrowed from sweet Victoria. I'm so happy she sent it, because for some reason I've been afraid to wear yellow. I've passed up so many pretty yellow dresses thinking they would look terrible with my skin. I really like it though! Now I need more yellow in my wardrobe ;o) So, thank you Victoria!

This week I'll be skipping inspiration Friday and just leaving you with these pictures. I hope you all have a great weekend! xo


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