My New Etsy Shop

I've started an Etsy shop! I have just a handful of things for sale now, but I'll be adding vintage finds frequently. Enjoy!

Wow, I can't believe it's been so long sense my last post! Life has been quite the roller coaster ride this past week, to say the least! To sum it all up real quick, Im going to be moving back to Maryland in a few weeks. I don't know if I've said, but this past year has been a tough year for me health wise. We discovered that the reason I haven't been well is because of where I'm living. Crazy huh!? Something to do with mold in the area that I live...eww! Not in the house, thank goodness! So I'm going to go stay with my family for a bit to get back on my feet. I have to admit I'm kind of excited to be going farther down south where it's lots warmer. The very VERY sad part is that I'll be away from my hubby for a little while :o( He is looking for a job in that area, so keep your fingers crossed for me. Good news, you'll probably be seeing more posts then ever! My Mom and sister are both talking about taking pictures for! 

I promise to talk soon! :o)


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